The Great Cheese Debate: Before or After Dinner?

Welcome back to the Vintage 53 blog! Today, we're diving into a delightful and often debated topic in the world of culinary indulgence: the timing of cheese consumption. Should cheese be enjoyed before dinner as an elegant appetizer or saved for the grand finale as a decadent dessert? At Vintage 53, we're passionate about pairing the finest wines with exquisite cheeses, and we're here to explore the benefits of both approaches.

Cheese as an Appetizer: Setting the Stage

1. Stimulates Appetite: Starting your meal with a cheese plate can awaken your palate and stimulate your appetite. The rich, savory flavors of cheese pair wonderfully with a crisp glass of white wine or a light red, preparing your taste buds for the courses to come.

2. Enhances Social Interaction: Serving cheese before dinner creates a relaxed and inviting atmosphere for guests. It encourages mingling and conversation, setting a convivial tone for the evening. At Vintage 53, our curated selection of cheeses provides a perfect opportunity for guests to explore and discuss their favorites.

3. Palate Primer: Cheese can act as a great primer for your palate, especially when paired with complementary wines. The fats in cheese coat the mouth, making acidic or tannic wines smoother and more enjoyable. This sensory experience can elevate the overall dining experience from the very first bite.

Cheese as a Dessert: The Grand Finale

1. Digestive Aid: Cheese, particularly those made from raw milk and aged varieties, contains beneficial bacteria that aid in digestion. Ending your meal with cheese can help settle your stomach and aid in the digestion of your earlier courses.

2. Balanced Sweetness: Many cheeses have a subtle sweetness that pairs beautifully with dessert wines, fresh fruit, or honey. This can provide a balanced and less sugary alternative to traditional desserts, satisfying your sweet tooth without overwhelming it.

3. Prolonged Enjoyment: Ending your meal with cheese allows for a slower, more leisurely dining experience. It encourages guests to linger and savor the final moments of their meal, extending the enjoyment and conversation. At Vintage 53, our after-dinner cheese boards are designed to be a decadent yet refined conclusion to any evening.

The Best of Both Worlds: Cheese Throughout

Why choose between before or after dinner when you can have both? At Vintage 53, we believe in celebrating cheese in all its forms. Here’s how you can enjoy cheese both before and after your meal:

Pre-Dinner: Stop by before your dinner reservations and start with a selection of light, fresh cheeses such as goat cheese (Zingerman’s Chevre"), mozzarella (Fresh Burrata), or young gouda (Marieke Golden). Pair these with sparkling wines or a crisp Sauvignon Blanc to awaken your palate.

Post-Dinner: Stroll the 1st Street Plaza and conclude your meal with a selection of aged and blue cheeses (Grand Noir), aged cheddar (Hook’s 10 year), or a creamy brie (Nancy’s Camembert). Complement these with dessert wines such as Port or a rich Sauternes, along with some fresh fruits, nuts, and a drizzle of honey.


Whether you prefer to indulge in cheese as a prelude to your meal or as a delightful denouement, the key is to enjoy it in a way that enhances your overall dining experience. At Vintage 53, we’re here to guide you through the wonderful world of cheese and wine pairings, ensuring every bite and sip is a memorable one.

So next time you visit us, don’t hesitate to ask for our recommendations and explore the many ways to enjoy cheese. Cheers to delicious pairings and unforgettable evenings!

We hope you found this exploration of cheese timing insightful and inspiring. If you have any preferences or experiences with cheese as an appetizer or dessert, we’d love to hear about them in the comments below!


Exploring the Nutritional Basics of Popular Cheeses and Wines